IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal
<p>IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal adalah jurnal akademik yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) STAI Syaichona Moh. Cholil Bangkalan. Jurnal ini memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual dalam bidang manajemen pendidikan Islam, bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pengembangan keilmuan di tingkat nasional dan internasional. Terbit secara berkala dua kali setahun, pada bulan November dan Mei, IMEJ berkomitmen untuk menjadi wadah utama publikasi ilmiah yang berkualitas.</p>Prodi MPI STAI Syaichona Moh. Cholil Bangkalanen-USIMEJ: Islamic Management and Education JournalAnalisis Manfaat dan Tantangan Sistem Informasi Akademik dalam Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi: Pendekatan Systematic Literature Review
<p>This research provides a clear overview of the objectives and methods used in analyzing the benefits and limitations of Academic Information Systems (SIAKAD) in higher education management. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach used indicates that this research examines various relevant literature sources and is structured to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of SIAKAD in improving the efficiency of academic administration and identifying potential obstacles that may arise in its implementation. The benefits of using SIAKAD in this study emphasize that SIAKAD contributes significantly to improving data management of students, lecturers, and academic activities, which in turn increases the transparency and effectiveness of university operations. On the other hand, the limitations revealed in this study focused on aspects such as dependence on technology, data security risks, system implementation and maintenance costs, and challenges in user training. By using the SLR approach, this research is expected to provide stronger and more valid evidence on the benefits and challenges of SIAKAD implementation.</p>M Rofi'i
Copyright (c) 2024 IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal
2024-11-262024-11-2610111310.62730/imej.v1i01.135Analisis Problematika Manajemen Pendidikan pada Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah
<p>This article reviews the issues surrounding Islamic Education Management faced by Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah (MDT) Al-Mukhlishin, located in the Bangkalan Indah housing complex, Mlajah sub-district, Bangkalan district. This study aims to describe various challenges related to the implementation of Islamic Education Management in this madrasah diniyah. To achieve this goal, the research employs a descriptive qualitative methodology with a case study approach. After describing and analyzing the findings, the study identifies several key points: first, MDT Al-Mukhlishin in the Bangkalan Indah housing complex has established and implemented eight essential managerial components required for an Islamic educational institution. Second, these eight managerial components have not yet been implemented optimally, with several challenges persisting. The primary issues faced by MDT Al-Mukhlishin include scheduling and activity conflicts, both among institutions and personnel. To address these challenges, the recommended solution is detailed and adequate planning at the beginning of the academic year, allowing all personnel at the madrasah to prepare in advance.</p>Fera Andriani Djakfar
Copyright (c) 2024 IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal
2024-11-262024-11-26101142710.62730/imej.v1i01.133Manajemen Pendidikan Berbasis Adab: Urgensi dan Relevansi bagi Generasi Gen Z
<p>This article discusses the urgency of adab-based education management for Generation Z. Moral and manners education is considered very important to prepare the younger generation to face the challenges of an increasingly complex era, especially in the context of the moral crisis that occurred in Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. This research focuses on Mafatihul Huda Junior High School Blega Bangkalan. The results showed that the management of adab education must be integrated into the curriculum and implemented through exemplary and habituation of good attitudes such as the implementation of morning book studies before KBM with the caregiver, namely the book "Al hikam Ibnu Athaillah" and the book of adab "Akhlak Lil Banin", reading the Qur'an simultaneously in the cottage musholla on Friday morning and listening to advice or tausiah from teachers every time learning takes place. Management stages of adab education at Mafatihul Huda Junior High School include planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to ensure the development of positive student behavior.</p>Mohammad NasihIlmia Rofi'i
Copyright (c) 2024 IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal
2024-11-262024-11-26101283710.62730/imej.v1i01.134Implementasi Prinsip Musyawarah dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Berbasis Falsafah Pancasila
<p>The principle of deliberation, as reflected in the fourth principle of Pancasila, is an important foundation in building democratic, inclusive and socially just education governance. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the application of the principle of deliberation in Pancasila-based education management. A descriptive-qualitative approach is used to explore the practice of deliberation in decision-making in various educational institutions, including formal schools and non-formal educational institutions. The results show that deliberation is a strategic mechanism in formulating school policies, resolving conflicts and managing collaboration between education stakeholders such as teachers, principals, students, parents and communities. The study found that consistent implementation of deliberation can improve the sense of justice, strengthen relationships between parties and encourage active community involvement in supporting education programs. However, it also found challenges, such as low community participation, power imbalances in the deliberation process and a lack of transparency in its implementation. It recommends strengthening regulations, intensive training and utilizing digital technology as strategies to improve the effectiveness of the deliberative principle in education management. This research provides important insights into how Pancasila values, particularly the principle of deliberation, can be practically integrated in education management to support the achievement of national education goals.</p>Galuh Mustika Argarini
Copyright (c) 2024 IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal
2024-11-262024-11-26101384210.62730/imej.v1i01.131Strategi Managemen dan Leadership di Abad Dua Puluh Satu
<p>Strategic management and strategic leadership are like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated, strategic management is the tool in making a strategic plan in the future, while on the other hand, leadership emphasizes more on the people in the organization (leader and follower behavior) who will implement the formulated plan so that company goals can be achieved. In an environment that changes so rapidly, a leader is required to always be able to monitor and see all these changes. Any changes that occur will definitely affect the process of achieving the goals that have been set before. A leader is not only required to be able to see the future, make a road map of the organization but also must be able to behave in a way that supports the achievement of the plan.</p>Mohammad RujiHanifah Hanifah
Copyright (c) 2024 IMEJ: Islamic Management and Education Journal